Wednesday 12 September 2007


We dared to dream, the dream is real, we have beaten France at Hampden and now we have done it to them again in Parc De France. What a beautiful stunning result. James McFadden you are a hero thankyou, Alex McCleish thankyou, Roy Aitken thankyou, all of you I love you.
Now then BBC Scotland you continue to be a disgrace, you are anti- Scottish, a complete waste of carbon.
Viewers in Scotland have had the humiliation of watching the England games live on BBC Scotland. And we cannot see our own games live, what a disgrace, what a humiliation, what a national scandal. This BLOG has just gone political. Watch this space.


kinghob said...

I don't usually get excited about whether we get our football or not, (though it is a pain in the arse) but all our Scottish news and sport is filtered through as some inferior by product of the obviously more exciting stuff that goes on in Litllehampton upon Puddlepants in Essex, and it is a disgrace.

Having half-wit (alleged) reporters get away with giving it all the dismissive 'British' stance is no laugh either, any numptie participating in it should be sent on a course that explains what country he is reporting from and perhaps five minutes on the needs of the target audience.

It is quite a bummer not having our news and sport represented by council tv, which we pay enough for, and the reason is that they are scared that we'll realise that Health Transport Education (and Fitba!) is Scottish and nothing to do with westminster, no matter how much they happen in England and Wales it makes no difference to a Scottish inhabitant at all.

Our man in Scotland that represents Westminster labour, a certain David Cairns dons his specs and outsize suits to berate us all for daring not to be chuffed at the lack of relevant broadcasting standards, and we should sack these people and get rid of the expensive westminster mouthpiece-the (anti) Scottish Office saving ourselves the agony of a platform for the Lord Haw haws who believe that their love of British politics is still the golden standard for the Scottish future.

Well done Scotland, getting texted to say that we'd beaten France (in France!) was almost as good as getting to see the f-ing match!

Well done for having this wee blog mate whoever you are.

duncan said...

Thanks Kinghob. This started as a just a wee diary thing mainly for friends and family. But I have been so enraged by what I see that I cannot help myself, BLOGS are magic and very therapeutic. Incidentally I worked for BBC Scotland from 76 to 2000, before taking early retirement. I worked on the TV Outside Broadcast Unit, which is now extinct. I enjoyed my time there and made some good friends and saw some things that I would never have seen other wise. I am deeply saddened by what has taken place at BBC Scotland, they are now an irrelevance.